Nanit Scheduled Maintenance on February 12th, 2025Planned Maintenance


Nanit Scheduled Maintenance on February 12th, 2025 On Wednesday, February 12th between 11am-1pm ET, we will be conducting scheduled maintenance to the Nanit network. During the downtime you will experience interruptions in the Nanit App and Sound + Light App (more details below). If you are connected to the same WiFi as your device (i.e. local connection), you will still be able to see your camera’s livestream during the maintenance window. On the Nanit Baby Monitor App, logged in users with a local connection WILL have access to the following features: Live stream BMM Push Notifications Camera controls (night light, nature sounds, etc.) On the Nanit Sound and Light App, logged in users with a local connection WILL have access to: Control Sounds and Light View, adjust, and select Favorites View and adjust Routines (with the exception of OK to Wake) The following will NOT be possible for both apps: Pairing a new device Pairing an existing device to a new network Logged out users will not be able to log in Logged in users will not be able to log out Voice assistants such as Google Home and Alexa We are upgrading our infrastructure to enhance the quality and reliability of our services. As part of this effort, we are conducting a series of maintenance activities designed to minimize any disruptions to your experience.


Nanit App --- User Login, Nanit App --- Remote Livestream, Nanit App --- Welcome Message, Nanit App --- Push Notifications, Nanit App --- User Registration, Nanit App --- Setup & Onboarding, 3rd Parties --- Google Home - Streaming, 3rd Parties --- Google Home - Controls


Nanit App, Nanit Sound and Light App, 3rd Parties


February 12, 2025 11:00AM - 1:00PM EST

February 12, 2025 11:00AM EST
[Update] Scheduled maintenance is starting.

February 12, 2025 1:00PM EST
[Update] Scheduled maintenance is complete.

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